Sunset in Paradise Without

Sunset in Paradise Without
Muhammad1 Because He Toasts With Stalin

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Review of Scary Fiction

When something is so strange you could not have made it up, change the names to protect the guilty. When others at the party by the beach began to stand in line with plates, sufficiently "lubricated by single-malt whiskey" Senator Theodore Kouchclimer opted to take Martha Jo Kolabachi home. Not wishing to interfere with his chauffeure's dining experience, Kouchclimer asked for the keys to the large Ford and got them after explaining that it was 11 PM and Miss Kolabachi wanted to catch the "Late Show" and "Anyway I can see that you are hungry." They left. Deputy Stare would report that having followed them discretely, they had gone down Cemetery Road, a private road, then went back to the main road toward the bridge leading back from Chappaquaddick to Edgarville. At first the Deputy thought they might be lost so he followed them. He stopped several yards behind the parked car, the driver sped away, turned around before the deputy could get back to his car began driving in the right direction, he returned to Jacob's Point at the road's end and resumed lurking with his ticket book for drunks leaving late Saturday night parties on the beach road. Had Senator Kouchclimer wobbled a bit or run over a mailbox, the Deputy would have ticketed him, a sobering experience, and the pair would have gone back to the party or Kouchclimer would have taken Miss Kolabachi home by heading left toward the shore instead of right off the bridge and into Puchet's Pond. Alas there was no guardrail, after an attempt at braking the Ford careened into the water and flipped over. Kouchclimer, a good swimmer, tried to open the door underwater but quickly bailed out of the car through the open window of the submerged car. He popped up like a cork and made for the shore. He took an immediate self-assessment as a small forehead cut was stinging from the salt water plunge. Otherwise he was just shaken up. He decided that since Martha had asked him to pay for an abortion that he should walk back to the party about five blocks down the road and come back with someone to rescue his friend. He stumbled into the party where John and Frank noticed he was soaking wet and asked,"Why are you wet, Ted?" Ted sheepishly responded that he had driven into the water. John asked,"Where is Martha?" to which Ted answered, "She's in the car! We have to help her!" The three jumped into John's car and speedily spun tires getting back to the scene of the accident at Puchet's Pond where John and Frank were kicked off their shoes and dived into the warm mid-summer water. Kouchclimer stood shining a flashlight and gazing at splashes in the dark where his flashlight luminated a car's rear end with its wheels up and heads bobbing in the water. Soon two men joined him exhausted and out of breath both distressed that they were unable to reach Martha Jo Kolabachi. Just then Kouchclimer dived in and swam across, then doubled back out of breath. By now it was well after midnight, so John and Frank began arguing with Kouchclimer,"Why didn't YOU try to get her out?" Kouchclimer hung his head and just kept saying over and over that it was an accident and that he would call the police as soon as he got back home. The two took him back home in Edgarville where he went inside. They left. Kouchclimer collapsed into bed and slept until 2:30 AM when noisy neighbors woke him up. He looked out the window at them leaving in the dark and went back to bed. About 8 AM, he was up, bathed, and put on clothes to greet the day. He walked over to the Ed Cafe where he ordered hash browns,eggs and coffee. John and Frank saw him there and asked if he had called the police to which he said,"NO" causing them to pick him up and take him to a pay telephone. One dialed the number while the other "detained" him in case he wanted to walk back to his breakfast or flee out the door. Within minutes, Deputy Faust had arrived to take all three back to the scene of the drowning. Divers arrived about the same time, donned black rubber diving suits and proceeded to check the car, where they found Kolabachi's limp form in the back seat. Pulling her to the shore, they noted she had no injuries except drowning. They both said it appeared that she had been in an air pocket near the back window of the vehicle since the diver stated she was grasping the seat to maintain a position in the air pocket. Though Sen. Kouchclimer claimed to be injuried and dazed after the incident, he had managed 17 long distance calls regestered on his credit card. Senator Kouchclimer received a suspended sentence of two months in jail. The victim was buried without an autopsy, the District Attorney wanted to exhume or dig up the corpse because of the circumstances but the judge said no. Miss Kolabachi's family received a check for $90,000 from Kouchclimer's family plus an insurance check of $50,000 and declined any civil case not desiring any "blood money." Noted best-selling Author Jack Olson writes true-life books concerning incidents from the news. The previous was a fictionalized account partly based on news.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


As an organizer of a Connecticut symposium addressing the threat of Islamic terrorism to the U.S.,Jeff Epstein was STUNNED to run into resistance from the media, politicians and even a bank. The conference called,"The Radical Islamist Threat to World Peace and National Security," was very determined to continue to get the word out about the Sept. 21 event, despite roadblocks that have been thrown in Epstein's path. Sponsored by the People's Truth Forum, "This symposium will delve into the minds of those who use terror as a tool," Epstein stated. "It will paint a profile of those who would slaughter innocents, and it will educate both professional and average citizen on how terrorism threatens our way of life today. "Naïve ideologues contend that Islamic 'freedom fighters' are lashing out at the West – and especially Americans – because of the provocative nature of Western life and/or the Western presence in Islamic states. To hold these short-sighted contentions is to be blind to the truth either through ignorance or deliberate oversight." Epstein blames resistance to the conference on political correctness gone dangerously mad. "This is no time to embrace apathy or political correctness," he emphasized, "not when confronting the alarming prospect that thousands of radical Islamists are committed to bringing death and destruction to millions of innocents on our soil." As WND reported, last month CBS/Infinity Radio refused to air paid commercial announcements for the conference, claiming "people might be too emotionally affected" by it. The official statement from CBS/Infinity Radio said, "Too many people might be emotionally affected by the subject matter. … It's too controversial to be aired at this time." Besides the snub by CBS/Infinity Radio, Epstein cites what he considers to be other incidents of bias by the media. He notes BBC has stopped referring to Muslim terrorists as Islamists, even those suspected in the July 7 bombings in London. "Not to be outdone," Epstein said, "the New York Times reclassified Abu Musab Zarqawi as a 'Jordanian fighter.'" Epstein says he has contacted politicians of both parties seeking endorsements and video clips to be played at the Plantsville, Conn., event, with mixed results. While some have been responsive, such as Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., – who Epstein says will attend the conference, schedule permitting – others have been less than cooperative. The event organizer says the staff of Sen. Hillary Clinton, told him the senator could not attend the conference and that she was "just far too busy" to provide a video greeting – action Epstein says was "not in keeping with her rhetoric pertaining to support for the war on terror." Epstein notes resistance to the conference has even come from the banking community. He reports a Connecticut bank manager denied People's Truth Forum's request to open a checking account for the symposium. The banker reportedly feared the media would identify his institution as being supportive of the organization's mission and conference. Epstein insists the event is non-partisan and non-political, and focuses instead on how Americans can prepare for and counter terrorism on U.S. soil. While citizens are told to be "vigilant," Epstein says no one has ever told the American people what it is they should be looking and listening for. The symposium is meant to help fill that knowledge gap. Said Epstein: "At the symposium, Dr. Harvey Kushner will present vital information outlining how radical Islamists have succeeded in their quest to infiltrate our political, educational, religious and penal institutions – facts which were previously maintained as 'privy' to selected law enforcement agencies. Brigitte Gabriel, Laura Mansfield and Robert Spencer will contribute substantially to the program by sharing their own personal experiences and professional expertise. In fact, the entire program will be fact-based, non-partisan, provocative and educational." The activist quotes a Muslim foreigner who recently spokes to one of Epstein's associates. The man responded to the question of whether or not Muslims in the U.S. can be trusted: "They are taught to be great neighbors and obey the laws of the countries in which they reside until they are called up," the man is quoted as saying. "Then, they will slice your throats as easily as they came to your barbeques." WorldNetDaily founder and CEO Joseph Farah expressed support for the event. "This symposium is a much-needed wake-up call for those who are still blind to the imminent threat of radical Islamic terror hanging over our nation," Farah said. "I commend the event to law enforcement personnel, first responders and concerned Americans who want to take action to protect themselves and their families." Epstein encouraged Americans to support the symposium by purchasing tickets and attending: "It is important that as many American citizens as possible expose themselves to the cold, hard facts, truths that CBS and the rest of the mainstream media continues to 'save us from.' "We are at war. Your life – and the lives of the ones you love – may depend on what you know. Don't let the opportunity to educate yourself on the specifics of the very dangerous threat we are faced with today pass you by. Don't let apathy take place of vigilance." The deadline for making reservations has been extended to Friday, Epstein says, to accommodate people making out-of-state travel arrangements and law enforcement personnel applying for expense reimbursement