Sunset in Paradise Without

Sunset in Paradise Without
Muhammad1 Because He Toasts With Stalin

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Thoughts From the Outhouse

Just can't help being reminded of that, that...Hillary when I come to the outhouse to "do my thing"
Is it the Arkansas association...or the smells remind me of stunts she and Bill pulled. One thing is certain. The moon on the door reminds me of Islam, the apostate Obama, and the warrior cult chief organizing the moon god people that started the whole ball of wax hundreds of years ago.

Reminder of Democrats LONG GONE!

Monday, March 05, 2007
Hillary affects a really (ridiculous) southern (Sorta) accent.
Apparently in an attempt to appeal to voters.


Have scoured the internet for GORE's hilarious REAGAN imitation.
Maybe it's why he LOST or is it why he came so close to winning the presidency and wrecking foreign policy but paying back all the trial lawyers with 9/11 lawsuits against Osama bin Laden and others held responsible.
That $10,000,000 check that the Saudi Sheik offered Gulianni that may have been TEMPTING but Gulianni turned down because MOST Americans know that 17 of the 19 skyjackers were SAUDI ARABIANS and Sheik Whatshisface was trying to BUY US OFF.

but I digress, SEVERAL DEMOCRATS have slipped into "country talk" or even "hick speech" in Louisiana politician Huey Long's case. The difference was that Long actually had "hick" roots and everybody knew it.
Hillary might fool a few people who have never heard her yankee twang speech like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Guiness said:

I wonder what would happen if a Republican went to Detroit or Harlaam and began talking "street"?

Would people find it humorous?

Gahrie: I can picture Stephen Colber doing that. "Harlaam"? Hey, you don't sound American!
9:06 AM
SGT Ted said...

Does she slip into a Brahmin accent when addressing crowds in Boston?

It is evidence of her phoniness and pandering nature that she thinks when she does this, it won't be noticed by anyone. It's rather condescending. That is the significance.
9:08 AM
Joe said...

Sometahms yew jes cain't hep it.
9:09 AM

Texas Governor Ann "yall Go Ahead an' Massacre them Waco Christian Nuts with TANKS" Richards even referred to Bush the Elder as having "been born with a "silver foot in 'is mouth".
Shadythe Character said...

Nothing new here. I saw her speak to the Italian-American Society a couple of months ago and I swear her opening line was:

"I'm-a glada to-a be-a here-a witha you-a all-a today... a."

Let's just all pray she doesn't break into Jive/ebonics when addressing the NAACP later this month!

A.P. Rooter sez:
I jes gotta heah Ol Hitlery affect a Southern black drawl.
Heck, she thinks she's hot dog droppin's on a stick anyhow!
9:11 AM
Mortimer Bresny said...

Except for the fact that most people at the NAACP don't speak jive/ebonics. That would be the easiest way for her to lose the audience. She might as well as call them "you people". (Like Ross Perot did)
9:18 AM
StephenBB said...

Obama was doing the same thing yesterday speaking when he was in the loud, rhythmic way of a black minister. He doesn't normally sound like that, but he adopted the tone for the venue.

There's a vast difference in that and trying some local or ethnic food. When you try local food, you are sampling the culture. You're saying, hey, I've never tried this before. It's good. When you emulate tone and speech patterns, you're saying, I am this. This is who I am (or who I want you to think I am). That's wholly different from sampling local culture. (Dis guy nos whut hes tawkin' 'bout!)
9:26 AM
Jeffery said...

Once a carpetbagger always a bloody carpetbagger...
A.P. Rooter:

(Hillary thinks she's acceptable because she's an Illinous-born Yankee turned-Arkansas co-governor, then co-president taking a Senate seat in New York state. Payback would be Laura Bush taking a Senate seat in Illinois or even Senator Byrd's worn out 100 year old seat. Time for that ol Klansman to RETIRE for his trip to that "Great Marshmallow Cookout Down Below"!
9:32 AM
reality chex said...

Well when you're right, you're sooooo right. Not only did she shameless put on that southern accent just to fool and hornswaggle people, can you believe it, she also plagiarized her speech from one James Cleveland, whoever that is:

I don't feel no ways tired,
I've come too far from where I started from.
Nobody told me that the road would be easy,
I don't believe He brought me this far to leave me.

I don't believe He brought me this far
(repeat as desired)

I've been sick (I don't believe),
but God brought me (He brought me this far).
I've been in trouble (I don't believe),
but God brought me (He brought me this far).

I’ve been friendless (I don't believe),
but God brought me (He brought me this far).
I’ve been lonely (I don't believe),
but God brought me (He brought me this far).

Please don’t leave me (I don't believe),
don’t leave me Jesus (He brought me this far).
Don’t leave (I don't believe),
don’t leave me Lord (He brought me this far).

I don’t believe (I don't believe)
that God would bring me
(would bring me this far).

I don’t believe (I don't believe)
that God would bring me
(would bring me this far).

I don’t believe (I don't believe)
that God would bring me (would bring me this far just to leave me).

****** Some people may recall that Hillary made a joke about Gandi, the revered India leader pumping gasoline...standup comedy? She should do that joke in Boston where the Brahmin people can hear and BOO!

9:44 AM
reality chex said...

Where is this heah Harlaam? Just what do you teach in yo class there anyways?

9:57 AM
Mike said...

I wasn't very interested in this, but for some reason I clicked on the link anyway. I'm glad I did. Holy Cow!
11:08 AM
reality chex said...

Wow this is a scandal alright. Clean outa sight!

11:09 AM

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