Sunset in Paradise Without

Sunset in Paradise Without
Muhammad1 Because He Toasts With Stalin

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Senator Barack Hussein Obama - APOSTATE?

U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful Barack Obama has gotten angry when asked about his Muslim past.
He has also repeatedly deflected questions about his family and childhood association with Islam. Notwithstanding Obama's brief references in each of his memoir-type books, "Dreams From My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope", Barack Hussein Obama has been noticeably unresponsive apart from angry dodging on the ubject.

Here we have a "Christianized Muslim" whose Christianized grandfather returned to Islam because the "love" was too much. Grandad of Obama missed/wanted that gritty HATE that only Islam and perhaps Mau Mau can give adherents.

All the while, reports about Obama’s Muslim parentage and education have circulated in the current news. Sen. Obama has not personally addressed these reports, but his press office has vehemently and passionately defended him. Along with CNN (Cresent News Network formerly Clinton News Network, Obama’s press agents and spokespersons address the public’s interest in more information about Obama’s connection with Islam as if there was nothing to discuss, and no need of further exploration. This only serves to make the public all the more curious. Responding to an Insight Magazine article earlier this year discussing that Obama was once a student in a madrassa variously transliterated as madrasah, medresa, madrassa, etc. In common English usage the word "madrasah" refers to an Islamic religious school.
The article of Insight Magazine stated that Obama “has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage,” the Obama press office released a statement in response to “these malicious and irresponsible charges.” This politely written,"YOU LIE!, YOU LIE!" was very defensive and diverted the assertion with more lack of being forthcoming and revealing as if Obama has something to hide.

“To be clear,” the statement read, “Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago.” As these vehement statements seemed a bit odd, if not untruthful to many readers, some in the conscious, thinking media continued to examine Obama’s childhood. A jovial and chatty but detailed report in The Los Angeles Times in June of 2007 confirmed the reports that Obama was registered as a Muslim at both the Roman Catholic school and the public school he attended in Indonesia during his youth.

Responding to this Los Angeles Times article, Obama’s press office adjusted their story. According to the Times, the assertion now said, “‘Obama has never been a practicing Muslim,’ but as a child he had spent time in the neighborhood’s Islamic center.” In his autobiography, Dreams From My Father, Obama mentions his “Koranic studies” at the Indonesian public school, which he describes as “a Muslim school.” In his latest tome called," The Audacity of Hope", Obama calls it “a predominantly Muslim school,” but does not explain or go into detail. That it was not a madrassa but a “Muslim school” only raises the question of how to distinguish between the two. By definition, a madrassa is an Islam religious school.

Barack Hussein Obama’s biological father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., was a Kenyan Muslim who divorced Obama's mother when Obama junior was two years old. “Although my father had been raised a Muslim, by the time he met my mother he was a confirmed atheist...,” writes Obama in his latest book,"The Audacity of Hope." Later his mother married Lolo Soetoro, who was also a Muslim. According to a statement from Obama’s press office, however, “Senator Obama was raised in a secular household in Indonesia by his stepfather and mother.” Which makes the athiest statement about Obama's father moot in light of his biological father having little contact with the youth and a full-fledged non-athiestic Muslim assuming the fatherhood role as the stepfather.

As Senator Obama may be aware, due to Islam’s Apostasy Law, leaving or abandoning the Islamic faith is not a trivial matter. Aside from the obvious political calculations about how having a Muslim background might negatively impact a presidential candidate’s likelihood for success in the United States, could a concern about apostasy be a bonifide reason for Obama’s persistent downplaying of his Muslim background? If Obama publicly confirmed that he was born and raised a Muslim, even as a very non-ardent one, but left the Islamic religion of both of his fathers and chose Christianity, it would doubtless be a insult or a violation with Muslims. Do they vote in significant numbers as to influence a national election? Muslims recently elected a politician on November 8,2006 to represent Minnesota in the U.S, House of Representatives.

What wondering thinkers want to know who gives Obama his security clearance at the U.S. Senate. Obama obviously has foreign relatives in Indonesia and Kenya and a brother in addition to an entire tribe in Kenya. According to U.S. current policies regarding security clearances people with those foreign relationships cannot get the highest levels of security clearances (TS/SCI). This TS is Top Secret (DoE has the Q clearance which is its equivalent)The SCI is,"Sensitive Compartmented Information".

The sheer unadulterated irony of this situation is that Obama has been allowed to run for President and could possibly become the top leader of the land and a major leader of the West, which has been called collectively, "The Great Satan."

Obama simply MUST tell us more about his Christian faith and why he left Islam and tell us more about that. The "cat is out of the bag", Mr. Barak Hussein and you have to tell us because, after all, we are at war with Islam. It is very importatnt that you inform us like the rational voters we are instead of having your election team throw tantrum after tantrum whenever the subject is breached and comes up as a topic.

ANOTHER "Enemy Within"? Does this further prove that Immigration agents have a "room temperature" IQ? Why else would ANYONE allow this sort of person to become a citizen of the US when time and time again all of these religious Islam people try to do these things to the "host country" which soon realizes that it has a parasitic infestation which makes Communism look like

What CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) is trying to accomplish including visits to internment camps and law suits in Minnesota and other states whose aim is to introduce Sharia law into the US government, businesses and schools.

World Magazine reports that Executive Director of the Somali Justice Advocacy Center in St. Paul, Omar Jamal, stated: “CAIR and MAS are radicalizing the community. They’re not interested in protecting any civil liberties. They are very interested in accomplishing the political mission of creating a world of Muslims versus Christians.” Instead of encouraging Muslim immigrants to assimilate, we are supporting their desires to remain a separate and growing separist movement within the United States—in direct violation of US law.

Another example of the Islamic strategy eventually to install their own religious laws, which will trump and replace US laws within the USA, involves MAS’ Washington DC based Muslim Accommodations Task Force (MATF). MATF states its mission as: “To help make campuses more “Muslim-friendly” by documenting existing religious accommodations and facilitating emerging ones. Over time, we will be able to rank colleges and universities on “Muslim-friendliness” and publicize our findings in the media and publications. Prospective students and their families will be able to account for Muslim accommodations as they decide on appropriate institutions of higher learning.”

In order to affect its demands for special privileges, MATF also states that its projects include responding and helping MSA chapters who are lobbying for religious accommodations including permanent prayer spaces, counseling services, Muslim housing, holiday observances and other assorted Islamic requirements. Although colleges and universities legally disallow the provision of special religious accommodations, these schools are nevertheless, implementing them. Is this simply another example of our leftist-bent school system applying laws only if it agrees with them? It appears so. As we have viewed for several decades, all things Christian are being removed and banned. However, all things Islam are now being embraced—in violation of US law. But, after Islamic fundamentalist Shari’a law is installed in our court system—US law will be moot.

Rep. Don Young of Alaska, attacked his fellow Republicans on the House floor Wednesday, July 18,2007, as he vigorously defended education funds earmarked forhis home-state. "You want my money, my money," Young stridently asserted before warning spending conservatives that, "Those who bite me will be bitten back.", the frustrated lawmaker threatened. Young really got angry over an amendment by Rep. Scott Garrett (R-N.J.) to cancel funding in a spending bill for native Alaskan and Hawaiian educational programs. Young somehow got lumped in with a notoriously Democrat state, HAWAII, which has been Democrat since time immorial. Spending conservatives attempting to rein in an out-of-control budget have evoked the anger of their fellow Republicans for several years by challenging federal spending, both broadly and on specific projects. But it's rare and unusual that their GOP colleagues express that displeasure so openly on the floor, possibly in full view of cameras with national coverage. MOST Republicans are sent to Congress to vote and fight for smaller government AND reduced spending on PORK PROJECTS which goes against them getting re-elected. Thus it is not only fitting for Young to HOWL, but looks GOOD to voters back home who may be disappointed that his PORK BILL failed.
During his brief rant Wednesday, Young suggested Republicans lost their majority because Garrett, whom he did not specifically name, and others had challenged spending during the GOP's tenure or time of having control He also poor-mouthed the great state of New Jersey, which is home to The Sopranos and the two-man-rock-band, Bon Jovi.
And let us recall that, Young, who formerly chaired the House Transportation Committee before being deposed by the 2006 election, is responsible for the so-called "Bridge to Nowhere," a proposed span connecting Ketchikan, Alaska, with the tiny island of Gravina that would have cost $315 million. This would have meant hundreds if not thousands of jobs for Alaskans. Besides building up the tiny island as a resort/residential/industrial area, or whatever it was intended to become. This boondoggle eventually came to symbolize wasteful or opportunistic spending under Republican rule. Young has spent more than $250,000 on legal fees. Democrats seek to de-fund his next Senate campaign and SHAFT HIM out of Congress, like the no-good-rats they are. So far this year at the same time that federal investigators sicced on Young by the Democrats, investigate some of his campaign's biggest contributors. Garrett refrained from asking for an official reprimand, but he and other conservative Republicans took after Young's declaration that the TAXES or funds in question represented his personal money. The assembled conservatives then launched into a general attack on earmarked spending. "We legally steal," argued Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), defending her colleague from New Jersey. Members of the conservative Republican Study Committee gave Garrett a standing ovation later in the day during the group's weekly meeting, an unnamed aide to one unnamed conservative member reportedly said.

We wonder what Senator Young thought about the federal government GIVING AWAY AN ENTIRE 8 ALASKAN ISLANDS one of which happened to be FULL OF AMERICANS AND in an OIL-RICH AREA!- TO RUSSIA for no apparent reason except STUPIDITY.

BLAME THE RUSSIANS for wanting the island? HELL NO...we blame stupid, ignorant state department lifers who callously and greviusly committed this TRAVESTY upon these hapless people living on this ALASKAN ISLAND.

Maybe we gave away the oil-rich islands because we are so hamstrung by EnvironMENTALS like the ones who love mosquitoes so much in Anwar, Alaska. Carl Olson who is chairman of State Department Watch, a public interest group, agreed that Russia benefits greatly from the increase in gasoline and oil prices. "Think about this," said Mr. Olson. "If you had just one island with only one square mile and you drew a 200 mile circle around it, do you know that's 125,000 square miles of potential sea bottom for oil exploration? "It's totally anti-public, anti-Congress, anti-state actions -- but unfortunately the State Department thinks it has the power to adopt this boundary line with the Russians without anybody's consent outside themselves," he said. Coghill sponsored Alaska H.J.R. 27, a resolution that was passed in the state's House and Senate then enacted by Alaska Gov. John Knowles in 1999. World Net daily said,"It was intended to "require the federal government to begin a new dialogue with Russia over the disputed maritime borders, insuring that Alaska is sitting at the negotiating table, as well as prevent the impending giveaway of eight Alaskan islands," said Coghill. The resolution is not binding, but rather expresses the will of a legislative body, so the Alaska resolution isn't binding on Congress. "They have not responded in any way," Coghill said. Negotiations between the State Department and the Soviet Union began in 1990 when a proposed treaty agreement was drafted. The federal government has honored that agreement -- which changed boundaries -- even though it has never been fully ratified and the Soviet Union no longer exists. It's an unratified treaty with a non-entity," quipped Coghill. The United States-U.S.S.R. Maritime Boundary moved the line between Russia and Alaska in such a way that eight islands that were specified as part of Alaska when it was purchased from Russia would become part of Russia once again. The State of Alaska was not included in the negotiations at the time of the agreement, or at any time since, complains Coghill. "There were representatives of the Fish and Game present to answer questions," he said, "but there was never any opportunity for input." Coghill's resolution demands official representatives from Alaska be present and have authority to participate in any further negotiations. The agreement inintelligently transfers to Russia the islands of Wrangell, Herald, Bennett, Henrietta, and Jeannette Islands in the Arctic, and Copper Island, Sea Lion Rock, and Sea Otter Rock on the west end of the Aleutian chain for absolutely NO REASON. We have had possession of all these islands for over a century...NOW WE GET STUPID about it because lobbyists are bribing US Congresspersons? The problem, say Coghill and his colleagues in the Alaska legislature, is that it gives Russia access to vast oil and fishing areas without any compensation to Alaska. There has been a long history of disputes over which country owns the islands, particularly Wrangell Island, which is about the size of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. According to credible reports, Russia used it for a concentration camp until recently and Amnesty International did not mind. Had the USA done this, they would STILL be sqawking.
Alaska claims the islands on the basis of the original sale agreement for Alaska and other transactions. The U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867 and the sale included all Aleutian Islands, including Copper, Sea Otter Rock, and Sea Lion Rock. In 1881, U.S. Capt. Calvin L. Hooper landed on Wrangell Island and claimed it for the U.S. Also in 1881, the U.S. Navy claimed the islands of Bennett, Jeannette, and Henrietta. The British held Herald Island, but they gave up that claim permitting the U.S. to take it. Russia's claim over the boundary may soon reach a court of law. "Just last week we boarded a vessel that crossed the boundary -- and that's going to be disputed," said Coghill, referring to a Russian ship that was recently stopped in waters claimed by Alaska. The action may take the boundary dispute out of the hands of politicians and place it in the courts. Have the islands been handed over to Russia yet by the U.S. government? "That's not an easy answer," said Coghill. "There has been an acquiescence to Russia, yes. There has been no extinquishment of any legitimate claim that we (Alaskans) might have. It has been blindly ignored by our Congress." There Was a Secret agreement! On June 1, 1990, then-Secretary of State James (TRAITOR? Who me?) Baker signed a secret executive agreement with Eduard Shevardnadze, the former U.S.S.R. foreign minister. It specified that even though the treaty had not been ratified, the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. agreed to abide by the terms of the treaty beginning June 15, 1990. Coghill said the existence of the agreement, which is described in his resolution, is now well known by Alaskan and U.S. elected officials. At the time the treaty was presented to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, however, the existence of the secret agreement was not made known, he said, due to sneaky bastardism. Although the Senate ratified the treaty and President George Bush signed it in 1991, the Soviet Union never ratified it, nor has Russia. Russians have always claimed they did not benefit enough from the boundaries offered in the treaty. The State Department (Were they drinking SOMETHING?)is engaged in negotiations with Russia to change the boundaries specified in the unratified treaty even further, claims Coghill, who further says he doesn't know the status of those negotiations because the State Department is not responding to Alaskan officials on the issue. The U.S. State Department is chock-full of lifer-unelected people not accountable acting anonymously, in a snaky bastardesque fashion. This defames the entire State Department but they, being unelected and unaccountable for reckless, treasonous deeds, hide behind their very anonymity like the sneaky, low-down bastards they are. The boundary line in such a way that an additional 40,000 square miles of ocean and seabed would belong to Russia. That would yield 300,000 pounds of fish per year -- fish that are normally harvested by Alaskan fishermen. If the transfer were made, Alaska would not be compensated for the loss, according to Coghill. Alaska's resolution understandably demands new negotiations start over, before the secret treaty was formed. "Along with the maritime issue, this needs to be discussed as well. Alaska needs to be in on it because, number one, it's a significant part of the fishing part of the world. Secondly, we have a legitimate historical claim that has not ever been addressed," Coghill said. The resolution demanded that: the Clinton administration start new negotiations. Alaska be a full participant in any negotiations with Russia. The IDIOT DOMINATED State Department stop all negotiations that give fishing rights to Russia.
Senseless illegal acts involving the effort to transfer land to Russia be prosecuted. "Although the resolution has been in the hands of Clinton, members of Congress and the State Department for more than a year, it has been ignored, "Coghill says. The California legislature unanimously passed a resolution in support of Alaska in 1991, asking U.S. senators from California not to consider the treaty until Alaska "has been able to participate fully in negotiations and has been guaranteed that its consent will be required for any agreement affecting its boundaries." Coghill hopes U.S. citizens will call on their state legislatures to approve similar resolutions, saying all states should be concerned "because if they can do this to Alaska, they can do this to any state." Olson said the U.S. government has prevented oil companies from drilling by declaring areas of Alaska and other parts of the U.S. as wilderness areas. But the U.S. has more than enough oil to supply its own needs and export oil as well, he says."The wholesale price of gasoline today is a very easy thing to look up in the Wall Street Journal because they run it every day. For unleaded standard regular gas it's $.89 a gallon, but it's selling for $1.75 to $2 a gallon. Somebody's making a ton of dough here and it's split up between the oil companies and the government," said Olson. Olson called on all presidential candidates to make a statement on where they stand and what they will do if elected. Not one word was ever said. The State Department has been sleepless and demented to give away this territory for years. What a low-down bunch of total Bastards! "It shows whether they are on the public's side, or if they are on the inside-the-beltway side. Every single presidential campaign has been approached by us and we're still waiting for them to address this in public."
Apparently Bush the Elder has done many, many more STUPID things than his son, unnoticed because he is a better speaker. He even signed this %$*&5%#* treaty which the Russians got GREEDY about and would not ratify sparing Bush the Elder from "HE's an IDIOT!" remarks.

We hope the Russians did not decide to harvest the organs of Americans living in the Aleutians GIVEN TO RUSSIA FOR NO REASON BUT STUPIDITY. Russians lay claim to RUSSIAN PLATINUM a few years back on a salvage find by the JAPANESE.
The JAPANESE LAUGHED IN THEIR FACES! The Russian ship went down during the Russo-Japanese War around 1900...and the JAPANESE KEPT IT ALL!

Recently BRITISH deported 4 Russian diplomats over the NON-extradition of the alleged MURDERER of that RADIOACTIVELY POISONED Labrinofsky or whatever his name was. Russians got seriously MAD! Seems they have asked for extradition 20 times and BRITS SAID,"NO WAY!" Russia will get revenge by tightening up on Brit passports and expelling 4 British diplomats. Seen on Drudge Report July 18,2007!

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